Residential Land for Sale in Monippally, Kottayam District 50 Cent Residential plot for sale in Monippally, Kottayam District. Road access property, 400 meter distance to MC Road. Near SKPS School( St. Kuriakose Public...
പാലായിൽ, കൊട്ടാരമറ്റം ബസ് സ്റ്റാൻഡിൽ നിന്നും 1 .5 km ദൂരത്തിൽ വൈക്കം റൂട്ടിൽ 12, & 15 cent developed house plots വില്പനയ്ക്ക് . Developed plots. Price-.2.5 lac to 3 Developed plots 6 mt width road Play ground Park...
എല്ലാവിധ സൗകര്യങ്ങളോടും കൂടിയ വസ്തു വിൽപ്പനക്ക് അരീക്കര സെന്റ് റോക്കീസ് ക്നാനായ കത്തോലിക്കാ ദേവാലയത്തിന് 150 മീറ്റർ അടുത്ത് ഉഴവൂർ - കൂത്താട്ടുകുളം റോഡിൽ നിന്ന് 40 മീറ്റർ ഉള്ളിൽ പഴയ വീട്, വഴി, വെള്ളം (രണ്ടു കിണറുകൾ)...
In Puthupally town, Kottayam district prime location, plot sizes ranging from 8 to 11 cents (also available as a whole 60 cents ) Just 150 meters on Puthupally --- Narakathode road . 3-side road access, abundant water...
40 Cent land for sale at Mammood, Changanacherry, Kottayam (Mammood Santhipuram road , Valavukuzhi). Per cent 230000/-Negotiable Near Bhairava Mutharamman Kovil Pls contact this number 9747221477
Residential plot for sale on Cherpunkal to Palayam route(2km from Cherpunkal), 37 cents, on the PWD main road and the bus route, single plot, 365 days water supply facility, 2.5km away from Cherpunkal medicity, Pala...
Plot for sale 28 cent land for sale at Pampoli Elikkulam Kanjirapally Kottayam .Suitable for construct villa. Plain land . All facilities with bypass road frontage . Price 2 lakhs per cent .Slightly negotiable .
Residential Plot in purely residential area with Private Road Access near Vettikattumukku, Thalayolaparambu, Kottayam District. 7.56cents, square plot. Located Near to Kottayam Ernakulam Bus Route. Price : 2.65 Lakhs...
Residential Land for Sale in Koonamthanam, Changanassery, Kottayam District. 10 cent Residential plot for sale in Chethipuzha - Kottayam Road, Koonamthanam, Changanassery. Near Mia bella beauty saloon. Road access...
!House Plot for Sale! 30 Cents Residential Land for Sale in Ramapuram- Kottayam. It is a road frontage property. Water and Transportation facilities are available. Near Ramapuram Church and infront of Ramapuram SH Girls...