Two storied Residential House for sale inPanamattum,PALA (Moovattupuzha punalur state highway frontage) 9Cent land with 1200sqft house 3Bedroom, 2attached bathroom. Kitchen Workarea, Hall ,Sitout , Car porch,frontage...
17.5 cent plot consists of One 3BHK house and one 1BHK house for sale. Plot near to Manarcad-Ettumanoor bypass, near to poovathumoodu bridge. Both houses are in excellent condition and well maintained. 1900sqft house...
7 cent land with 1636 SQ FT Villa for sale at Pothy, Thalayolaparambu, Kottayam Amenities: 3 BEDROOM –ATTACHED TOILET 1 COMMON TOILET MASTER BEDROOM -1 TONNE A/C MASTER BEDROOM –WATER HEATER POINT MASTER BEDROOM- 3 DOOR...
Two storiedResidential House for sale Kuruchi near HOMEO COLEGE. 7 Cent land with 1832 sqft two storied house 4 Bedroom, 3 bathroom. Kitchen Workarea, Hall ,Sitout , Car porch,frontage compound wall, gated property,,...
4BHK 2100sq.ft Residential House in 12.25 Cents for sale in Cherpunkal- Pala- Kottayam. It is a single storied house with 4Bedrooms, 4 Attached Bathrooms, Hall, Kitchen, etc.. Bore well and Jalanidhi water available....
കോട്ടയം ജില്ലയിൽ Marangattupilly പള്ളിക്കും സ്കൂളിനും സമിപം 3.8 ഏക്കർ സ്ഥലവും 2300 Sqft വീടും വില്പനയ്ക്ക് കോട്ടയം*Pala to kuravilangad റോഡിൽ marangattupilly പള്ളി ക്കും സ്കൂൾ നും ഇടക്കുള്ള റോഡിൽകൂടി 1 km അകത്തേക്ക്...
5BHK 2000sq.ft Residential House/ Cottage in 5.75 Cents for Sale in Baker Junction, Behind Mall of Joy-Kottayam Ground floor:- No.of Bedrooms:2 Hall , kitchen & 2 bathrooms, sit out and car porch First floor:- No. of...
5 cent land with 1230 Sqft villa for sale Pothy, Thalayolaparambu, Kottayam 3 BHK, 2 BED ATTACHED 1 COMMON, KITCHEN CUPBOARD, FRONT AND INSIDE PUTTY, BORE WELL Price - 39.5 Lakhs