Residential land for sale in mundankal, Pala. പാലാ തൊടുപുഴ ഹൈവേയിൽ ഗ്രാൻഡ് ഹോട്ടൽ ന് സമീപം ജല ലഭ്യത ഉള്ളതും, ഇരു വശങ്ങളിലും പ്രൈവറ്റ് റോഡ് സൗകര്യം ഉള്ളതുമായ 55 സെന്റ് സ്ഥലം മൊത്തമായോ പ്ലോട്ട് ആയോ വില്പനക്ക്. Contact No:...
Residential Land for Sale in Koonamthanam, Changanassery, Kottayam District. 10 cent Residential plot for sale in Chethipuzha - Kottayam Road, Koonamthanam, Changanassery. Near Mia bella beauty saloon. Road access...
Residential Land for Sale in Pathamuttom, Changanassery, Near Saintgits college of Engineering 52 cents of Residential plot for sale in Pathamuttom, Changanassery. On Chingavanam Road. Plots available, All amenities...
40 Cent land for sale at Mammood, Changanacherry, Kottayam (Mammood Santhipuram road , Valavukuzhi). Per cent 230000/-Negotiable Near Bhairava Mutharamman Kovil Pls contact this number 9747221477
Residential Land for Sale in Paippad, Changanassery, Kottayam District 11.5 cent land for sale in Paippad, Changanassery, Kottayam District. Road access property, All amenities very near to this plot. Walkable distance...
Total area 3 Acre 36 cent. 1.29 acre purayidom, 2 acre 7 cent wetland as per BTR. 170 metre river side. Panchayat road upto this property. Suitable for dairy farm, fish farm and resorts. District Kottayam Thalayazham...
12.7 cent 1.5 km from Koovappally Amal Jyothi Engineering college. suitable for residential house. Contact whats up no. +971565899529. Per cent 1.25 Lakhs
6.50 Cents Residential Land for Sale in Vettikkattumukku, Near Devaswom Board College(DB College) Thalayolaparambu- Kottayam. It is a Kottayam- Ernakulam main road frontage property. Only Walkable distance from...
15.5 cents of land on the side of a tar road, it is in a good locality,suitable to build a house , flat or ware house. price 46.5 lakhs negotiable contact no - 0044753366280
7.61 Acre Land with house fully or partly ([b]1 acre land with house , Price: 3 Cr, 28 Cent land with main road frondage, Price: 2 Lakhs per cent, Remaining 6.33 acre land, Price: 70,000 per cent) for sale at near...
Residential Land for Sale in Monippally, Kottayam District 50 Cent Residential plot for sale in Monippally, Kottayam District. Road access property, 400 meter distance to MC Road. Near SKPS School( St. Kuriakose Public...